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International Conference on Global Practice of Multidisciplinary Scientific Studies-X
23-28 MAY 2025 / KYRENIA- CYPRUS

Online and In-Person Participation

Conference Calendar

Last day for sending abstracts: May 01, 2025

Program Announcement: May 08, 2025

Last day for submitting full papers: June 10, 2025

(full text submission is not mandatory)​

Proceeding Book Announcement: June 30, 2025



Call for papers

Dear scientists, reseachers and graduate students;

We are pleased and happy to be together with you, the scientists who contribute to the scientific field and literature, with the "International Conference on Global Practice of Multidisciplinary Scientific Studies" which will be held between May 23-28, 2025 in Cyprus. Conference accepts papers on subjects related to Social Sciences, Natural Science, Health Sciences, Veterinary, Agricultural Sciences and all other Engineering fields are included. It is aimed to organize a "qualified" and "scientific" conference in order to present valuable research from different disciplines, share with each other and bring them together on an international common platform. Our conference will be held online and face-to-face with the participation of domestic and foreign universities.

Our expectation is that every participant and valuable people of the science and business world will follow our conference with pleasure and benefit from the outcomes. We thank you in advance for all your support, participation and suggestions, and we look forward to your participation in our conference.​


Topics of the conference

Social, Humanities and Administrative Sciences

Educational Sciences

Natural Sciences

Health Sciences

Engineering Sciences

Architecture, Planning and Design

Graduate Researches



The Olive Three, Kyrenia, Cyprus

Abstract Submission

You must apply to our congress by sending an abstract (until January 04, 2025). Abstract evaluation process takes about 2 days.  Your abstracts must be in the range of 200-300 words. You can send your abstracts in word / doc format to until May 01, 2025


Abstract Template                                     Full text Template

There is no full text requirement in our congress. If you want to publish your full texts in the congress book, you must send your FULL TEXTS to after your abstract is accepted by June 10, 2025 at the latest.

- Times New Roman, type in 12 pt. (The title of the article, names of authors, institutions, e-mail addresses, abstract and all keywords should be in 12 pt. For parts such as graphics, tables, the author's font size can be determined by the author in the most appropriate way)

- Give the line spacing 1.25

- Do not indent at the beginning of the paragraph from the left.

- MAIN titles should be written in CAPITAL letters and bold

- Citation and Bibliography should be arranged in APA, Chicago, AMA style.

- Your full texts must be at least 5 pages.

- SUMMARY, INTRODUCTION, RESEARCH AND FINDINGS, CONCLUSION and REFERENCES sections should be shown under separate headings in your full texts

Please send your full papers until June 10, 2025 to Please note that submission of the full papers are not mandatory. 

Head of Conference 

Prof. Dr. Mehmet Fırat BARAN (Siirt University, Faculty of Agricultural, TÜRKİYE)


Dr. Hatice BEKÇİ (Kayseri University, TÜRKİYE)


Dr. Alamettin BAYAV (Isparta University of Applied Sciences, TÜRKİYE)

Dr. Betül UYAR (Dicle University, TÜRKİYE)

Dr. Fatih ÇIĞ (Siirt University, TÜRKİYE)

Dr. Muhammed FAIZAN (A Central University, INDIA)

Dr. Safiye SARI (Atatürk University, TÜRKİYE)

Dr. Şahla ABBASOVA (Hazar University, AZERBAIJAN)

Dr. Telman NUSRETOĞLU (Hazar University, AZERBAIJAN)

Dr. Seden TURAMBERK ÖZERDEN- (International Final University, Kyrenia, CYPRUS)


Dr. Abdurrahim YILMAZ-(Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University, Faculty of Agriculture, TÜRKİYE)

Dr. Ali Beyhan UÇAK (Siirt University, Faculty of Agriculture TÜRKİYE)

Dr. A. Konuralp ELİÇİN (Dicle University, Faculty of Agriculture TÜRKİYE)

Dr. Ahmet ÇELİK (Adıyaman   University, Faculty of Agriculture, TÜRKİYE)

Dr. Arzu ALTUNTAŞ (Siirt Üniversitesi University, Faculty of Agriculture, TÜRKİYE)

Dr. Arzu ÇIĞ (Siirt University, Faculty of Agriculture, TÜRKİYE)

Dr. Aynur BİLMEZ ÖZÇINAR- (Siirt University, Faculty of Agriculture, TÜRKİYE)

Dr. Cansu TUTKUN (Bayburt  University, TÜRKİYE)

Dr. H. Deniz ŞİRELİ (Dicle University, Faculty of Agriculture, TÜRKİYE)

Dr. Emine CİHAN (Selçuk Üniversity , TÜRKİYE)

Dr. Ekin AKTÜRK (Kafkas University, TÜRKİYE)

Dr. Erhan KAHYA (Tekirdağ Namık Kemal University, TÜRKİYE)

Dr. Fırat PALA (Siirt University, Faculty of Veterinary, TÜRKİYE)

Dr. Füsun GÜLSER (Van Yüzüncü Yıl Universty,TÜRKİYE)

Dr. Gamze GÜNEY (Ardahan University, TÜRKİYE)

Dr. Gülcan Demiroğlu TOPÇU (Ege University, TÜRKİYE)

Dr. Halil İbrahim OĞUZ (Adıyaman University, Faculty of Agriculture, TÜRKİYE)

Dr. Korkmaz BELLİTÜRK (Tekirdağ Namık Kemal University, TÜRKİYE)

Dr. Leila IMANPARAST (Agri Ciel Institute Company, TÜRKİYE).

Dr. Meliha UZUN (Şırnak University, TÜRKİYE)

Dr. Mehmet YILMAZ (Siirt University Faculty of Medicine, TÜRKİYE)

Dr. Mesut BUDAK (Siirt University, Faculty of Agriculture, TÜRKİYE)

Dr. Mesut YILMAZ (Akdeniz University, Faculty of Fisheries,TÜRKİYE)

Dr. Nilgün ONURSAL (Siirt University , TÜRKİYE)

Dr. Nizamettin TURAN (Siirt University, Faculty of Agriculture, TÜRKİYE)

Dr. Nurhan KESKİN (Van Yüzüncü Yıl University , TÜRKİYE)

Dr. Nusret ÖZBAY (Bingöl University, TÜRKİYE)

Dr. Osman GÖKDOĞAN(Isparta University of Applied Sciences, , TÜRKİYE)

Dr. Özen SÖYLER (Siirt University, TÜRKİYE)

Dr. Reşat ESGİCİ (Dicle University, TÜRKİYE)

Dr. Raziye PEKŞEN AKÇA (Kayseri University, TÜRKİYE)

Dr. Sevilay GÜL (Tekirdağ Namık Kemal University, TÜRKİYE)

Dr. Sıdıka EKREN (Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture, TÜRKİYE)

Dr. Sipan SOYSAL (Siirt University, TÜRKİYE)

Dr. Suat BENEK (Tekirdağ Namık Kemal University, TÜRKİYE)

Dr. Süleyman ŞENYURT (Ordu University , TÜRKİYE)

Dr. Şahin AY (Siirt University, TÜRKİYE)

Dr. Zeynep DUMANOGLU ( Bingöl University, Faculty of Agriculture, TÜRKİYE)

Dr. Abdul Khaliq  (University of Agriculture, Department of Agronomy, Faisalabad, PAKISTAN)

Dr. Adnan Abbas (Nanjing university of information science and technology, nanjing CHINA).

Dr. Ali Mekki (University of Sfax, Biological Engineering-Environmental Bioprocesses and Soil Science, Sfax-TUNISIA)

Dr. Ajar Nath Yadav (Eternal University, Department of Biotechnology, Himachal Pradesh-INDIA)

Dr. Ashokkumar Vallabhbhai Rajani (Junagadh Agricultural University, College of Agricultuew, Dept. of Agril. Chem. & Soil Science, Gujarat-INDIA)

Dr. Barbara Wiśniowska-Kielian (University of Agriculture in Krakow, Faculty of Agriculture and Economics, Department of Agricultural and Environmental Chemistry, Krakow-POLAND)

Dr. Babak SAFAEI (Tsinghua University, CHINA)

Dr. Blend Ibrahim (School of Tourism and Hospitality Management. Department of Tourism Girne American University, CYPRUS)

Dr. hab. Barbara Sawicka (University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Faculty of Agrobioengineering, Department of Plant Production Technology and Commodity Sciences, Lublin-POLAND)

M.Sc. Benjamin Bantchina (Bursa Uludag University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Biosystems Engineering, Bursa-TÜRKİYE)

Dr. Brygida Klemens (Opole University of Technology, Faculty of Economics and Management, Opole-POLAND)

Dr. Derya Timuçin, (School of Tourism and Hospitality Management. Department of Tourism Girne American University, CYPRUS)

Dr. Elham Matallebi, Islamic Azad University, Garmsar, IRAN

Dr. Grzegorz Pączka (Rzeszów University, Department of Natural Theories of Agriculture and Environmental Education, Rzeszów, POLAND)

Dr. Fahrurrozi Fahrurrozi (University of Bengkulu, Faculty of Agriculture, Dept. of Crop Production, Bengkulu-INDONESIA)

Dr. Faisal SULTAN ( Hazara University, PAKISTAN)

Dr. Francesco Nocera, (University of Catania, ITALY)

Dr. Herák David, (Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC)

Dr. Hüseyin Bozdağlar (Girne American University, School of Tourism and Hospitality Cyprus)

Dr. Irshad Bibi (University of Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Institute of Soil and Environmental Sciences, Faisalabad-PAKISTAN)

Dr. Iwan Setiawan, S.P., M.Si. (Department of Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Faculty. Universitas Padjadjaran. Jl. Raya Bandung-Sumedang km 21. Jatinangor. West Java. INDONESIA)

Dr. İsmet Esenyel ( Girne American University, School of Tourism and Hospitality, CYPRUS)

Dr. Jam Nazeer Ahmad University of Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Entomology, Faisalabad-PAKISTAN)

Dr. Jasmin Latoviç (Southern Federal Üniversitesi, RUSSIA)

Dr. Khalid Hussain (University of Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Agronomy, Faisalabad-PAKISTAN)

Ph.D. Kusumiyati KUSUMIYATI, SP, M Agr. Sc.,. (Agronomy Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Padjadjaran Jl. Raya Bandung-Sumedang km 21. Jatinangor. West Java, INDONESIA)

Dr. Mazhar Rafique (University of Haripur, Faculty of Agriculture Sciences, Department of Soil & Climate Sciences-PAKİSTAN)

Dr.  Medeuova Galiya  (Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical Universty, KAZAKHISTAN )

Dr. Md. Iqbal HOSSAIN (Bangladesh University, BANGLADESH )

Dr. Muhammad Arshad (University of Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Entomology, Faisalabad-PAKISTAN)

Dr. Muhammad Shahbaz Naeem (University of Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Agronomy, Faisalabad-PAKISTAN)

Dr. Mohammad Mehdizadeh (Univesity of Mohaghegh, Department of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, Ardabili-IRAN)

Dr. Muhammad Zahid Ihsan (Islamia Univeristy of Bahawalpur, Cholistan Institute of Desert Studies, Bahawalpur-PAKISTAN)

Dr. Muhammad Adnan (University of Swabi, Department of Agriculture, Swabi-PAKISTAN)

Dr. Muhammad Zubair Siddiqi (Hankyong National University, Department of Biotechnology, SOUTH KOREA)

Dr. Muhammad Nurdin YUSUF (Agribusiness Department. Agricultrural Faculty. University of Galuh. Jl. R.E. Martadinata No. 150. Mekarjaya, Kec. Baregbeg. Kab. Ciamis. West Java 46274. INDONESIA)

Dr. Mushtaque Ahmed Jatoi, (University of Zagreb, Department of Pomology, Zagreb, Croatia, Beijing, CHINA)

Dr. Murat Akkaya (Girne American Universty, Vocatıonal School, CYPRUS)

Dr. Nabeel Khan Niazi (University of Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Institute of Soil and Environmental Sciences, Faisalabad-PAKISTAN)

Dr. Niteesh Kumar Upadhyay (Galgotias University and South Ural State University RUSSIA)

​Dr. Rana Nadeem Abbas (University of Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Agronomy, Faisalabad-PAKISTAN)

Dr. Rakesh GUPTA (Delhi University, INDIA)

Dr. Ristina Siti Sundari (University of Perjuangan Tasikmalaya, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Agribusiness, Wezt Jawa-INDONESİA)

Dr. Safdar Bashir (Ghazi University, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Soil and Environmental Sciences, Dera Ghazi Khan-PAKISTAN)

Dr. Sardar Alam Cheema (University of Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Agronomy, Faisalabad-PAKISTAN)

Dr. Shah Fahad (University of Haripur, Department of Agronomy, Haripur-PAKISTAN)

Dr. Saddam Hussain (University of Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Agronomy, Faisalabad-PAKISTAN)

Dr. Somayyeh Razzaghı (Sivas Science and Technology University, Faculty of Agriculture Science and Technology, TÜRKİYE)

Dr. Shitnaan E. Wapmuk (University Of Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria )

M.Sc. Setyo Budi Kurniawan (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Faculty of Engineering & Built Environment, Department of Chemical and Process Engineering, MALAYSIA)

Dr. Tahir Igbal, (Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi, PAKISTAN)

Dr. Wan Taek Im (Hankyong National University, Department of Biotechnology, SOUTH KOREA)

Dr. Viliana Vasileva (Agricultural Academy, Institute of Forage Crops, Forage Production and Livestock Department, Pleven-BULGARIA)

Dr. Yar Zar Chit (Sagaing University  MYANMAR)

Dr. Zhongbing Chen (Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Prague-CZECH REPUBLIC)

Dr. Zizis Vryzas (Democritus University, Thrace School of Agricultural & Forestry Sciences, Department of Agricultural Development, Orestiada-GREECE)

Dr. Zulfiqar Ahmad Dasti (University of Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Institute of Soil and Environmental Sciences, Faisalabad-PAKISTAN)

Dr. Zubair Aslam (University of Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Agronomy, Faisalabad-PAKISTAN)

You can send all your questions about the congress to the congress e-mail address, our congress coordinators will reply within the day.


General Coordinator 

Assoc. Prof. Seyithan SEYDOŞOĞLU

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Assist. Prof. Dr. Nur KALUÇ
University of Health Sciences, Hamidiye School of Medicine


"Micro- and Nanoplastics in Human Health: Emerging Risks and Scientific Insights"


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