May 20, 2021
Chairman of the Congress
Prof. Dr. Ebülfet PELENGOV - Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University
Congress Organizing Committee
Prof. Dr. Galip OTURANÇ Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University
Assoc. Dr. Şuayip YÜZBAŞI - Akdeniz University
Assistant Professor Rini BHAGAUR Jaipuria School of Business, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India
Dr. Lecturer Demet BİNBAŞIOĞLU Gaziosmanpaşa University
Dr. Ertem ŞAHİN Adana Science and Technology University
Dr. FETTOUCH Houari - Laboratory of Pure and Applied Mathematics, University of Mostaganem, UMAB, Algeria
Ryan Jay Bernales Gumban - Malinao High School Extension- Gastav Campus, Philippines
Scientific Committee
Prof. Dr. Galip OTURANÇ Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University
Prof. Dr. Naim L. Braha - University of Prishtina, Kosova
Prof. Ass. Dr. Valdete Loku - University of Applied Sciences Ferizaj, Rr. Rexhep Bislimi, Pn. Ferizaj, 70000, Kosova
Assoc. Dr. Ferit GÜRBÜZ Hakkari University
Assoc. Dr. Şuayip YÜZBAŞI - Akdeniz University
Assistant Professor Rini BHAGAUR Jaipuria School of Business, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India
Assoc. Prof. FİLİZ OCAK - Karadeniz Technical University
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kemal Berktas - Usak University
Assist. Prof. Dr. Mühsin İNCESU Muş Alparslan University
Assist. Prof. Dr. Demet BİNBAŞIOĞLU Gaziosmanpaşa University
Assist. Prof. Dr. Ayşe KABATAŞ Karadeniz Technical University
Assist. Prof. Dr. Orhan GÖÇÜR - Bilecik Şeyh Edebali University
Assist. Prof. Dr. İnan ÜNAL - Munzur Üniversitesi
Assist. Prof. Dr. Abid Hussanan - University of Education, Lahore, Pakistan
Res. Asist. Dr. Aslı SAYLAN KIRMIZIGÜL - Erciyes University
Res. Asist. Dr. Mustafa ÖZKAN Trakya University
Dr. Aygun Mammadzade - Lankaran State University
Dr. Gül UĞUR KAYMANLI - Çankırı Karatekin University
Dr. FETTOUCH Houari - Laboratory of Pure and Applied Mathematics, University of Mostaganem, UMAB, Algeria
TO BE IN THE SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE, PLEASE send your CV to izdaskongre@gmail.com until April 20, 2021 (those with at least the title of Dr. can apply)
Congress Calendar
Abstract submission deadline: 7 May, 2021
Deadline for submission of full text: 25 May, 2021
(no full text requirement)
Congress program publication date: 11 May, 2021
Congress book exact publication date: 30 May, 2021
Congress Topics
It is open to all original studies written in the field of Mathematics and Geometry.
Analysis and Functions Theory
Functional Analysis
Algebra and Number Theory
Fundamentals of Mathematics and Mathematical Logic
Applied mathematics
Real and Complex Functions Theory
Congress Fee
You can participate with up to 2 papers
Services included in the price
Publication of the abstract and full texts in the congress book with ISBN
Separate certificate of participation for all authors
Hot and cold snacks during the congress
The price does NOT include accommodation
Participation Type
We offer two alternatives
- Face to face participation in Ankara
- Online participation
Associate Professorship Criteria
Our congress is international. It meets the criteria for associate professorship in terms of the diversity of the scientific board and participating countries.
Congress Venue
Radisson Blu Hotel, Ulus Ankara
Congress languages
English and Turkish
Abstract and Full Text Submission
You must apply to our congress by sending an abstract. Summary evaluation process takes at most 5 days. The author is informed without delay after the evaluation. Your abstracts must be in the 200-300 word range. You should definitely add English ABSTRACT to your abstracts. You must send your abstracts in word / doc format to izdaskongre@gmail.com by 7 May 2021 at the latest.
There is no full text requirement in our congress. If you want to publish your full texts in the congress book, you must send your FULL TEXTS to izdaskongre@gmail.com by 25 May, 2021 at the latest after your abstract is accepted.
Full Text Writing Rules
- Times new roman, type in 12 pt. (The title of the article, names of authors, institutions, e-mail addresses, abstract and all keywords should be in 12 pt. For parts such as graphics, tables, the author's font size can be determined by the author in the most appropriate way)
- Give the line spacing 1.25
- Do not indent the beginning of the paragraph from the left.
- MAIN titles should be written in CAPITAL letters and bold
- You can use the citation style you want
- Your full texts must be at least 3 pages.
- SUMMARY, INTRODUCTION, RESEARCH AND FINDINGS, CONCLUSION and REFERENCE sections should be shown under separate headings in your full texts.
Click For Sample Full Text
You must send it to izdaskongre@gmail.com by May 25, 2021 at the latest in doc / word format (no full text requirement)